How Long After IVF Treatment Can I Test?

IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is the procedure where IVF experts take eggs from female partners and sperm from male partners and use them to make an embryo in the laboratory. The embryo is one of the small collections of human cells that transform into the whole human being. Then, the doctors transfer these embryos into the uterus of the female for further growth and development. An IVF pregnancy test is the next step in the procedure. The exact time for testing may vary from patient to patient, but usually, it happens after two weeks of IVF embryo transfer.

What Is IVF | Australian Concept

What are the types of IVF embryo transfer?

There are two main types of IVF embryo transfer.

Fresh Cycle Embryo Transfer:

After administering IVF injections for pregnancy, the IVF doctor takes the egg from the ovaries of the female spouse and the sperm from the husband to make an embryo. Then, the embryologist keeps the embryos in an ideal incubator for three to five days. The perfect time for a fresh cycle transfer of embryos is either after three days (cleavage stage) or five days (blastocyst cell stage) of growth in an incubator. Transfer of embryos after 3 to 5 days of growth in the same menstrual cycle as of IVF injections is called fresh cycle embryo transfer.

Frozen Embryo Transfer:

Sometimes, an IVF expert advises freezing embryos. The purpose of freezing is to treat OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), perform genetic testing (PGT), and transfer left-over embryos for future use. An IVF ERA test is another indication of frozen embryo transfer. The doctor then transfers these embryos after skipping 1 or 2 menstrual cycles. This type of transfer is known as Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET).

What are the types of IVF Medications/Injections?

There are many types of IVF drugs, including IVF-M injection, follitropin injection, and IVF-C injection. All these injections and medicines contain synthetic hormones that maximize the number of eggs during maturation. IVF specialists collect these eggs and use them for fertilization and embryo transfer.

What are the types of pregnancy tests after embryo transfer?

Blood Test:

A blood test checks human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone levels in a pregnant woman’s blood. HCG levels rise after IVF frozen embryo transfer in case of successful pregnancy, and the same is true for fresh cycle embryo transfer. A blood test is an early pregnancy test, and you can take it 10 to 14 days (about 2 weeks) after embryo transfer. The period may vary from patient to patient. For example, a pregnancy test after an IVF 3-day embryo transfer may take a couple of more days to become positive.

Urine Test: 

The urine test is a home pregnancy test after IVF frozen embryo transfer and fresh cycle transfer. You can perform this test at home by purchasing a urine strip and dipping the urine sample (preferably early morning urine). The appearance of 2 lines on the kit represents positive pregnancy, and a single line shows no pregnancy. This test needs to be more accurate. The IVF doctors recommend this test after a couple of weeks at home.

What are the safety measures after embryo transfer?

  • You should rest adequately and eat a healthy diet to maximize your body’s optimal state, which is best for implantation. 
  • You should take your prescribed medications regularly. There are many prescribed drugs suitable for the implantation of embryos, including IVF-C injections. It would help if you took it only with the proper prescription from a doctor. 
  • The couple should abstain from intercourse after embryo transfer until the pregnancy test. In case of a positive pregnancy, the IVF doctor further advises about it. 
  • It would help if you avoided stress and strenuous physical exercises. 
  • A long journey after embryo transfer is not a good idea. 
  • In case of a successful pregnancy, the pregnant lady must visit her gynecologist regularly for a healthy baby. 

Which is the best IVF center in Pakistan?

Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center is a platinum-category IVF center that offers all kinds of assisted reproductive technology services under one roof. We have more than 26 years of experience in the field of infertility treatments. Australian Concept is Pakistan’s largest network of IVF branches linked with the world-known IVF experts. We offer all types of treatments, including timely intercourse (TIC), intrauterine insemination (IUI), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), or in vitro fertilization (IVF). Australian Concept is also the best IVF center in Pakistan for IVF tests. 

How do I contact Australian Concept?

Dr. Sajjad’s Australian Concept offers a free first online or physical consultation with an IVF doctor (coordinator doctor) who takes your history, organizes previous labs, advises further necessary tests, and directs you toward a suitable IVF consultant. Visit our website or call today to book a free consultation.

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